ERIPS Condemns Another Round of War in Tigray

Posted on August 26, 2022August 27, 2022Categories PRESS RELEASES

Eritrean Research Institute for Policy and Strategy (ERIPS) is deeply saddened by the outbreak of another war in Tigray and the catastrophic loss of life and human suffering this senseless conflict continues to inflict on innocent people. After weeks of growing tensions and military buildups, major ground fighting has erupted between the federal government of Ethiopia and the regional government of Tigray raising fears for the safety of millions of people in Northern Ethiopia and possibly other regions and neighboring … Continue reading “ERIPS Condemns Another Round of War in Tigray”

Background Document on The Tragedy of Eritrea

Posted on June 19, 2021June 28, 2021Categories PRESS RELEASES

Forward The Eritrean Institute for Policy and Strategy (ERIPS) is a research advocacy initiative aiming to address the limited public information and dialogue around issues that matter for the future well-being and democratic health of Eritrea and its people. By engaging members of the Eritrean diaspora in comprehensive and in-depth discourse regarding complex and intricate issues, we hope to develop a strong foundation of informed advocates and establish the groundwork for ongoing essential research to shape cohesive policies and strategies … Continue reading “Background Document on The Tragedy of Eritrea”

Eritrea Country Strategic Opportunities Program 2020-2025

Posted on January 1, 2021February 13, 2021Categories AGRICULTURE, NATURAL RESOURCES & FISHERIES

Executive summary 1. The State of Eritrea and Ethiopia signed a peace agreement in July 2018 and the United Nations Security Council lifted sanctions in November 2018. This peace dividend offers Eritrea opportunities to reallocate public resources to its economic and social development, update its development strategies, create jobs for youth and demobilized soldiers and enhance international cooperation. Please download the attachment to read the full document.