Calling Foul on FOWPAL – Demanding Accountability in Peace Advocacy

April 10, 2024


The Eritrean Research Institute for Policy & Strategy (ERIPS), a research organization composed of Eritrean professionals and intellectuals working to shape the future well-being of citizens and establish democratic institutions in Eritrea, categorically denounces and opposes the decision by the Federation of World Peace & Love (FOWPAL) to grant the Peace Bell Award to Ms. Sophia Tesfamariam, Permanent Representative of Eritrea at the United Nations, on April 3, 2024.

The statement states, “Tesfamariam was recognized for her dedication to international solidarity, peace and human rights.”

ERIPS and other peace and justice seekers for democratic change in Eritrea are shocked and appalled by this award. We strongly believe that Ms. Tesfamariam, a representative of the one-man dictatorial regime of Isaias Afeworki, should have been the last person to receive such an award.

We are especially dismayed to observe that FOWPAL, an organization that ostensibly advocates for peace, love, and human rights, has chosen to honor a representative from a regime known for its egregious human rights violations. It seems unlikely that FOWPAL is unaware of these violations; nonetheless, it has decided to acknowledge a representative from one of the most oppressive and belligerent regimes in existence. This action appears to be a calculated misrepresentation of the truth, possibly driven by undisclosed motives. We urge UN agencies to scrutinize the practices of shadow organizations such as FOWPAL and to cease providing UN platforms to those that actively contradict the UN’s mission.

We call upon all United Nations agencies to rigorously assess and ensure that any collaboration with organizations like the Federation of World Peace & Love (FOWPAL) strictly aligns with the core values and mission of the UN. It is essential that these agencies demand transparency and adherence to principles that champion genuine peace, love, and human rights globally. By fostering partnerships that reflect these values, UN agencies can uphold the integrity of their mission and significantly contribute to the global effort of promoting just and peaceful societies. This vigilance is crucial in preventing the endorsement of organizations that may undermine these goals under the guise of advocacy.

For reference, the following are some of the reasons we believe Ms. Tesfamariam should not have been granted the Peace Bell Award.

  • According to the findings of the Commission of Inquiry (COI) on human rights in Eritrea, the UN has passed resolutions condemning the severe human rights abuses committed by the Eritrean government. These abuses include widespread instances of enforced disappearances, arbitrary arrests, and torture.
  • Following Eritrean independence in 1991, the current regime and ruling party, the People’s Front for Democracy and Justice (PFDJ), assumed power without the will of the people, under the name “transitional government,” and never transferred power to the people. They have ruled with an iron grip for the last three decades, denying their own citizens basic human rights. No election has been held since independence. Eritrea under one-man rule of dictator Isaias Afeworki is without legislation, constitution, or judiciary system.
  • The Isaias government of Eritrea has killed and jailed veterans who fought for Eritrean independence simply for requesting fair treatment of human rights and assistance from the government.
  • In 2001, the government closed all independent newspapers and jailed most journalists from these publications, who have been held incommunicado to this date without due process. The dictatorial regime also jailed 15 prominent members of the ruling party, the People’s Front for Democracy and Justice (PFDJ), known as the G-15, for advocating the ratification and implementation of the constitution and for criticizing and challenging the undemocratic policies and practices of Isaias Afeworki. Their fate and whereabouts remain unknown.
  • The regime constantly provokes its neighbors, having waged wars against Yemen, Djibouti, Sudan, and Ethiopia, and has intervened in troubled spots by exacerbating conflicts in the region. Most recently, the regime was involved in Ethiopia’s internal conflict as the main catalyst for this war, which resulted in the deaths of about 1 million people, including unwilling young Eritreans who were forced to fight alongside the Ethiopian Federal government.
  • The regime conscripts individuals indefinitely into military service with low pay, often subjecting them to modern day slavery, inhumane treatment, and torture.
  • Eritrea is known to have more prisons than schools; these prisons are notorious for being harsh and without adequate food, water, or medical care.
  • Due to the lack of basic freedom and peace in Eritrea, many people escape the country under dangerous conditions. The country has been described as the fastest-emptying country by numerous human rights watch groups and humanitarian organizations. It is also often referred to as the “North Korea of Africa.”
  • The Eritrean government was the only African country that supported Russia during the invasion of Ukraine two years ago. It was also the only country, apart from Russia, to vote against a UN human rights investigation in Ukraine.
  • On October 3, 2013, when over 360 Eritrean refugees perished near the island of Lampedusa, Italy, Ms. Sophia Tesfamariam infamously said “these refugees were not escaping indefinite national service in Eritrea but were rich kids with a lot of many from cities in Eritrea” without any sense of compassion and disregard for human life. Sadly, the bodies of the deceased were not allowed burial in Eritrea and their remains is still in Lampedusa, Italy, which is a customary practice of the Eritrean regime towards Eritreans who oppose the government. This is just one manifestation of the Eritrean Government’s cruelty and Ms. Tesfamariam’s role of being an enabler of the repressive Eritrean regime.

Hence, recognizing Tesfamariam for “her dedication to international solidarity, peace, and human rights” contradicts the stated purpose and intent of FOWPAL’s goal to recognize member countries or prominent statesmen/women who promote peace, love, and human rights. Ms. Sofia Tesfamariam, as the Ambassador of the Eritrean regime to the UN, plays a key role in promoting the regime’s interests abroad, often resorting to tactics such as defamation and character assassination against Eritrean justice & peace seekers who oppose the regime, including political activists, human rights advocates, and scholars.