The Media, Advocacy, and Public Awareness (MMA) Focus Group is tasked with conducting research on Eritrea, analysis of research findings, and communicating to the world the real facts and figures of our research findings. Our targets are the media, public, and policy makers in the entire world. This focus group has short and long terms tasks. The short term being helping in expediting the removal of the dictatorship in Eritrean and transition to democracy. Eritrea and the perpetual plight of … Continue reading “ERIPS-Media, Advocacy, and Public Awareness Focus Group”
ERIPS: Agriculture, Natural Resources and Fisheries Focus Group
Posted on May 1, 2021Categories AGRICULTURE, NATURAL RESOURCES & FISHERIESBackground According to World Atlas, Eritrea, a country in the Horn of Africa, has fertile land for agriculture and livestock production, considerable potential of mineral deposits that are yet to be explored, wildlife of various species of fauna and flora, and a long coastline along the widest part of the Red Sea. The fishery resources in the Red Sea offers a great opportunity for fishing and tourism industries. It is also believed to have massive reserves of gas and oil … Continue reading “ERIPS: Agriculture, Natural Resources and Fisheries Focus Group”
Tentative Reflections on the Restoration of a Fully Functioning System of Administration of Justice in Post-Dictatorship Eritrea
Posted on May 1, 2021Categories LAW, PUBLIC SAFETY & SECURITYPrepared by the Focus Group on Public Safety and Law of ERIPS (With Input from the Eritrean Law Society –ELS) April 2021 This document highlights, in a summarised way, the most important features of a potentialtransitional justice plan for the post-dictatorship era of Eritrea. Its focus is mainly on therestoration of a fully functioning system of administration of justice. An independent judiciaryis one of the most important bulwarks against abuse of government power. It is preciselybecause of this reason that … Continue reading “Tentative Reflections on the Restoration of a Fully Functioning System of Administration of Justice in Post-Dictatorship Eritrea”
Eritrea: Past and Present State and the Necessities for a Promising Future
Posted on May 1, 2021Categories POLITICAL SCIENCE, GOVERNMENT & PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION“To be led by a tyrant is to sell yourself and those you love into slavery”” – Octavia Butler Introduction Eritreans have struggled for their rights and freedom since the formation of Eritrea as an Italiancolony in 1890. During Italian colonialism, Eritreans were used as soldiers of the colonial army toconquer Libya, Ethiopia, and Somalia. The British Administration (1941-1952) opened politicalspace and granted freedom which enabled the formation of the first political parties in Africa. ButBritain’s efforts to divide Eritrea … Continue reading “Eritrea: Past and Present State and the Necessities for a Promising Future”
Eritrea Country Strategic Opportunities Program 2020-2025
Posted on January 1, 2021February 13, 2021Categories AGRICULTURE, NATURAL RESOURCES & FISHERIESExecutive summary 1. The State of Eritrea and Ethiopia signed a peace agreement in July 2018 and the United Nations Security Council lifted sanctions in November 2018. This peace dividend offers Eritrea opportunities to reallocate public resources to its economic and social development, update its development strategies, create jobs for youth and demobilized soldiers and enhance international cooperation. Please download the attachment to read the full document.
Timnit Gebru’s Exit From Google Exposes a Crisis in AI
Posted on December 31, 2020January 11, 2021Categories SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING, AND MATHEMATICS (STEM)This year has held many things, among them bold claims of artificial intelligence breakthroughs. Industry commentators speculated that the language-generation model GPT-3 may have achieved “artificial general intelligence,” while others lauded Alphabet subsidiary DeepMind’s protein-folding algorithm—Alphafold—and its capacity to “transform biology.” While the basis of such claims is thinner than the effusive headlines, this hasn’t done much to dampen enthusiasm across the industry, whose profits and prestige are dependent on AI’s proliferation. It was against this backdrop that Google fired Timnit … Continue reading “Timnit Gebru’s Exit From Google Exposes a Crisis in AI”