An Open Letter to The Honorable Macky Sall, Chairman of the African Union

Posted on February 15, 2022February 15, 2022Categories PRESS RELEASES

February 14, 2022 The Honorable Macky Sall President of the Republic of Senegal Chairman of the African Union State House Dakar, Senegal Dear Mr. President: The Eritrean Research Institute for Policy and Strategy, a group of Eritrean scholars and professionals in the Diaspora, congratulates you on becoming the new Chairman of the African Union. We are writing to you as incoming AU Chairman to express our concern over the situation in the Horn of Africa and the continuing danger for … Continue reading “An Open Letter to The Honorable Macky Sall, Chairman of the African Union”

A Call to Protect Eritrean Afar Refugees in Ethiopia

Posted on February 1, 2022February 1, 2022Categories PRESS RELEASES

Mr. Philippo GrandiUnited Nations High Commissioner for RefugeesCase Postale 2500CH-1211 Genève 2 DépôtSuisse 01/30/2022 Subject: A Call to Protect Eritrean Afar Refugees in Ethiopia Dear Mr. Grandi: In addition to the letter addressed to your excellency, regarding “Responsibility to Protect Eritrean Refugees in Ethiopia” and dated on the 26th of January, we at the Eritrean Research Institute for Policy and Strategy (ERIPS) would like to bring to your attention, the case of Eritrean Afar refugees at Barahle district of Zone … Continue reading “A Call to Protect Eritrean Afar Refugees in Ethiopia”

ERIPS Statement on Status of Eritrean Refugees In Ethiopia

Posted on January 29, 2022Categories PRESS RELEASES

Mr. Philippo Grandi United Nations High Commissioner for RefugeesCase Postale 2500CH-1211 Genève 2 DépôtSuisse 01/26/2022 Subject: Responsibility to Protect Eritrean Refugees in Ethiopia Dear Mr. Grandi: We at the Eritrean Research Institute for Policy and Strategy (ERIPS) would like to urgently bring to your attention, the case of Eritrean refugees in Tigray and demand that the UNHCR act immediately to resolve the issue. In a press statement on 21 January 2022 at the Palais des Nation in Geneva, UNHCR spokesperson … Continue reading “ERIPS Statement on Status of Eritrean Refugees In Ethiopia”

ERIPS Position on the Ethiopian Civil War

Posted on December 2, 2021Categories PRESS RELEASES

ERIPS December 1, 2021  Eritrean involvement in the war and its impact on the security of the region  Introduction  The Horn of Africa is riddled with deadly political conflicts, ethnic strife and poverty. This is often exacerbated by the undemocratic, sometimes brutal authoritarian rule that is all too common across the Horn. For much of the region, the foundations of democratic institutions necessary to sustain good governance have been eroded. In such circumstances, autocratic leaders take complete control over all … Continue reading “ERIPS Position on the Ethiopian Civil War”

ERIPS meets with US congressional staffers to discuss the situation in Eritrea and the Horn of Africa

Posted on September 25, 2021Categories PRESS RELEASES

Members of the Eritrean Research Institute for Policy and Strategy (ERIPS) met twice and discussed with several staff members of the U.S. Congress about the current situation in Eritrea and the Horn of Africa. On September 14, 2021, ERIPS members met with several staff members of the U.S. House Committee on Foreign Affairs. Two days later, on September 16, 2021, the ERIPS team met for the second time in recent months with staff members of the U.S. Senate Committee on … Continue reading “ERIPS meets with US congressional staffers to discuss the situation in Eritrea and the Horn of Africa”

Press Release: Eritrea Scholars and Professionals Gather to Devise a Roadmap for the Country’s Future

Posted on August 29, 2021Categories PRESS RELEASES

Washington – More than 150 Eritreans gathered on August 14, 2021 at the Catholic University in the Eritrean Scholars and Professionals Workshop to discuss the current situation in Eritrea and its impact on the Horn of Africa, as well as begin planning for the time after the regime of Isaias Afwerki has ended.  The event, organized by the Eritrean Research Institute for Policy and Strategy (ERIPS), was attended by more than 150 scholars and professionals in person, five dozen participating … Continue reading “Press Release: Eritrea Scholars and Professionals Gather to Devise a Roadmap for the Country’s Future”